EXM news

Current project
june 2013
Environnement XM was awarded the contract to repair the bike path in Beauharnois-Salaberry's Halte du Héron regional park.
We invite you to visit the website: http://mrc-beauharnois-salaberry.com/fr/parc-regional/a-propos-du-parc-regional

Welcome to our new intern
may 2013
Environnement XM has hired Nicolas Fabien-Ouellet, a student in Bioresource Engineering at McGill, for a summer internship. Nicolas has trained with pioneers in the field of biostructural engineering: Bernard Lachat and his colleagues at Biotec in Switzerland. Winner of the 2013 Student Award of Merit awarded by the Order of Engineers of Québec and finalist at the Force Avenir gala in the same year he will certainly be an invaluable addition to the team and its development.