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XMN offers trainings in the fields of water management and renewable energy development. Their aim is to disseminate and transfer the technical concepts of these domains and how they relate to, and can be used towards sustainable development.


Our experts offer different types of trainings depending on whether the client in question is a professional, a layperson, a municipality, a government agency, or  involved in scientific research. Presentations are even available for awareness raising for schools, CEGEPS, and universities.

Renewable energy training


Topics covered: Micro and mini hydroelectric, windmills, biomass, and solar. 


The objective of this training is to provide scientific and technical information on the processing cycle of the chosen energy sources, the solutions used in this processing and the justification of the solutions determing yields. At the end of the training, participants will have a methodology in hand to define, calculate, and measure the return on investment (ROI) of the chosen solution(s). This training also covers the operation as well as the various constraints and merrits of renewable energies. It does not, however, deal with construction of these technologies but does provide a methodology for planning and installation in order to link it to the ROI.


The training will include practical elements that aim to familiarise participants with implementation of technologies and with measurements to be carried out at different steps of energy processing. The training provided, along with these practicals, allow participants to compare amongst solutions and to consider installations that incorporate mixed sources.  


This training is aimed at people with a level of training equivalent to that of a senior technician, engineer, environmental consultants, or those wishing to expand their know-how and knowledge base with the basic principles of renewables.



Product Lifecyle Management Training


Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is aimed at all types of enterprises that work in manufacutring, engineering, construction, and mining XXX. A product, in this case, can be a factory, a watershed, a river, a small-scale power plant, or eveb a mechanical product (car, plane, washing machine, etc.). By rendering, and manipulating a 3 or 4D model we can better understand and learn about PLM from conception to operation and maintenance.


This training is aimed at people with a level of training equivalent to that of a technician, engineer, information system designers, industry consultants, or people seeking ot expand their know-how and knowledge base with fundamental principles of PLM. 

Hydromorphology and Biostructural Engineering Training


The aim of this training is, above all,  to educate participants on the importance of understanding the dynamics of a river and the causes of erosion. These are fundamental to the implemention of sustainable solutions to the degradation of riverbanks, water quality, and wildlife habitat; particularly in urban and agricultural settings. 


The course follows the progress of an actual project starting from the surveys (watershed, hydrological, sedimentological, geotechnical, modeling, and hydraulic) through to the results a few years after the project's implementation (when available). In short, the entire life cycle of a river from the point of view of it's erosion problems. 


We also highlight the available technical solutions used to adapt a river to its environment (cities, agricultural areas) or to adapt urban and industrial development to the river.  The design parameters, implementation, costing, and succes of these projects will also be presented. The use of case studies allows us to assess a variety of conditions and the ensuing results of human involvement both positive and negative. Ending on a critical note will allow participants to envision improvements to the case at hand or to find concepts that would have led to better results. 



We will focus primarily on the overall management of a river, the watershed as a whole, and the links between the different challenges that exacerbate erosion, loss of habitat, and  reduction of riparian zones.


The training is layed out as follows:

I - Introduction and background

II - Hydromorphological management

III - Hydrological survey

V - Modeling flows (hydraulic)

V - Analysis of the socio-environmental context

VI - Management of stormwater in the watershed

VII - Erosion and biostructural engineering techniques

VII - Chosen solutions and flow of work.

IX - Sampling and monitoring


This training can be adapted to the needs of a specific project and to particular technical or socio-economic requirements. Contact us for more information.



The XMNaturae team also lectures at professional conferences or in educational institutions.

Contact us for more information.

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